Monday, September 8, 2008

What do the candidates' faces reveal?

by Jean Haner
Author of The Wisdom of Your Face

There are many aspects of Barack Obama's face that indicate a man who has a clear vision and the ability to achieve it. The shape of his eyebrows and eyes show that he is not impulsive, nor is he a 'pleaser'; instead, he'll take time to evaluate any situation logically before making a decision. But once he's decided, he'll move forward with no delay. His lower eyelids signify that he will always care about creating a win-win for everyone involved in any situation.

His temples are slightly indented, which reveal a tendency toward being compulsive about work, but also a highly spiritual nature. He will need to be sure to include exercise in his life, in order to relieve any stress.
His jaw is well-defined but narrow. This shows someone who's willing to listen to all sides of an issue, considering diverse needs without being too set in his own opinions. His ears stick out, indicating an independent nature, and this, along with his hairline means he's a bit of a rebel! He also has a mole in an important place near his nose, a sign that he has a powerful purpose in his life.
Overall, there are some significant things to be gleaned from his face as a whole. It'll be important for him to live a life of authenticity and meaning. He wants to make a real difference in the world. It would be especially uncomfortable for him if people misinterpret his words or motivations, because he does have such a genuine nature.
Obama is a practical idealist - he has his head in the clouds but his feet on the ground, a wonderful combination. The same aspects of his face that show this visionary nature also indicate someone who may be experienced by others as a bit aloof. He isn't the warm and fuzzy teddy bear type, and he definitely needs his 'alone' time. But it's a mistake to think he's distant or arrogant. On the contrary, he has a true inner passion, and his path in life is about the devotion to helping others live their best lives.

Joe Biden has the face of a diplomat, able to deal very graciously with a wide variety of situations and personalities. His hairline and forehead show he's open-minded yet thinks for himself. His level eyebrows and squared-off chin indicate a strong practical streak and good common sense. The joy lines around his eyes (what Westerners usually call 'crows' feet') reveal a genuinely caring heart. All this bodes very well for his abilities on many levels and I think he's a spectacular choice for VP.
What interests me most about his face, however, is the difference between the left and right sides! If you use your finger to cover one side of his face, and then the other, you'll see distinct differences.
In Chinese face reading, the left side of the face is said to show someone's more private self, and the right side, the public self. Here we have someone with a much brighter, friendlier expression on his public side. This isn't a surprise. You'd expect a politician to show a very friendly face publicly - it convinces us that he does want make a real connection with us.
So we turn to the left side to see what's also going on privately. On many people, if you look only at the left side of their face, you often see a sad face or even a very negative expression. But here we see a really grounded, authentic expression. Certainly you can see touches of the grief he's experienced in his life. But there is still a genuine warmth. Biden's private self is in balance and encourages trust.

John McCain is a courageous man with great personal strength. He also is a loyal friend, for whom relationships are important. We know this by his life story, but also by looking at his strong lower face. Having said that, this aspect of his face also concerns me. Such a powerful jaw and lower face also indicate someone with enormous potential for anger.
But you can't tell everything about someone simply by looking at one feature on their face. So we need to consider what the rest of McCain's face is saying to us. His eyes are deep-set, and held in a narrowed fashion. This reveals someone who 'plays his cards close to the vest' - you will not always know what he's thinking. And this also signifies that he is not comfortable with his more difficult emotions. He doesn't know how to easily communicate what he's feeling when he's upset, or how to do it in a healthy manner. McCain's tense mouth also shows he's trying to suppress his feelings.
So these three indicators on his face show me that this is someone with 'anger issues', who'll be likely to hold his feelings in until he explodes. They also show at least a tendency toward secretiveness. Now, this can be a good quality for a president, who certainly would need to withhold information on a regular basis.
We also notice a difference between his right and left eyes. Although it may seem like a minor thing, the lower eyelids reveal how much we care about how others fare, or whether we're mostly concerned with our own well-being. His right lower eyelid is rounded, which means that he wants you to believe he cares about your needs. But when we look at his left eye, we see it's more narrowed and the lower eyelid is more of a straight line. This is someone who privately is not overly concerned with creating a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Sarah Palin has the jawline of a successful politican. Studies have shown that politicians with strong, well- defined jaws tend to win elections. In Chinese face reading, her jaw indicates someone who is very competitive, and not shy about pushing forward toward her goals. Her jaw also reveals a rigid belief system, kind of a 'my way or the highway' attitude toward others.
One of the things the jawline shows is how easily influenced someone can be. A strong jaw can be an indicator of firm beliefs and integrity. But Palin's jaw is so powerful a force that it shows she is too stuck in her own way of seeing the world and not likely to consider others' beliefs, values or needs.
Her rounded eyes and curved eyebrows do show a tendency to be kind to others, thanks goodness, and her mouth shows that she cares very much about family and her relationships.

Her prominent cheeks reveal her desire to express her opinion, tell others what to do, and to hold authority overall. She is very well-equipped to speak up and will not be shy to give orders! This is a tough cookie.

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