Monday, June 30, 2008

Clear Your Brain; Transform Your Life – Process of Transformation Blog #3

Did you know that your brain is carrying around 500 million years of ancient debris? Can you imagine how much junk you would have in your computer if you did not clear out your emails, delete your old files and empty the trash? Our skull holds three brains, each built on top of the other serving different purposes and functions. The ancient reptilian brain, which is about 500 million years old, is the oldest and smallest part of the evolving human brain. This brain center is concerned with the fundamental processes of keeping the body alive, needs of survival and safety, fight, flight or freeze. When a situation of either real or perceived survival is at hand, the ancient brain overrides the newer, more complex rational components of the brain.

Next in the evolutionary scale comes the limbic system, which is about 50 million years old, which among other things is concerned with emotions and the avoidance of pain and the seeking of pleasure. The newest brain center, the 2.6 million year old neocortex, is on top of the older brains and controls higher-order thinking skills, reason, language, creativity, visions and dreams. The right and left hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum are all a part of the neocortex.

Until the ancient brain patterns of fear and terror are cleared or at least neutralized, they will override peace and harmony thus undermining and sabotaging creativity, dreams and visions. Peace, harmony and balance start in the membrane, field, brain structure, cells and body then radiate out into the world, creating a joy-filled life.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Couch Yoga- change your life from the comfort of your couch!

Process Of Transformation Blog #2

Couch yoga is an important part of the transformation process. Changing the cells requires vast amounts of energy and the body needs time to adjust to the new higher frequencies. Couch yoga is not lying there moaning and swigging on a cold beer watching TV, that’s couch potato. Couch yoga is a very precise process of bringing your consciousness to the shifting cellular structures in your body. By observing and bringing consciousness to the micro and macro movements in your body, transformation occurs. Rather than just ignoring what is transpiring inside, conscious gratitude transforms the tiniest of shifts creating the new framework for your life.
The key is to be comfortable and feel safe as these inner events transpire. When things get too intense, move your body and shift your focus to feeling good. Find the luscious delicious safety flowing in your body. There are times when the body needs rest as it transforms. Sink into the process, enjoy the delight of inner movement with conscious attention and great joy can be experienced while lying on the couch under your favorite blanket. Couch yoga is a process of bringing conscious, non-judgmental observation to what is happening in the body, while finding luscious, joyful delight.
The body needs safety to change. The couch, the floor, the closet, a car, the banks of a river, a tent in the woods, are all places where your body can feel safe, or whatever works for you. Keep opening your feet, sending the energy into the center of the earth. Melt into the couch or the floor and feel the support as your body experiences deep safety and support. Pain may be present, give it gratitude and find the pleasure, support and safety. Go back and forth like a ping-pong ball between the pain and pleasure as the body transmutes. Just beyond the edge of discomfort in the body is great delicious flowing energy, like melting chocolate joy.
Couch yoga is a deep spiritual mind body practice that transforms your life. No rigid practice, not contorted stances to hold, no sitting still back straight with your knees crossed, just resting in sheer delight in your body as it transforms. Great adventures and universes await as you deepen your practice of couch yoga. Who you are is a magnificent being expanding into your true Self.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gratitude- Process of Transformation Blog # 1

This is the first of a series of blogs about the process of transforming your life. We will be exploring how gratitude works, answering questions and giving practical information.

One of the amazing aspects of gratitude is that its high vibration works with both the wanted and unwanted. When giving thanks for the destructive negative aspects, the high vibration of gratitude melts, dissolves or releases these negative energies. On the other hand, gratitude increases the strength and potency of the aspects that are positive and wanted. This makes the process very easy; give gratitude to everything and everything will naturally sort itself out.

The process of giving thanks for something you do not want creates an energetic shift that opens to healing and ultimately release. Sometimes people have trouble giving thanks for something they do not want. However, in gratitude and giving thanks, the process of resistance dissolves the old and creates an opening for the new. When the neglected and hurt parts inside are filled with gratitude they can then transform. The old carved out spaces of pain, suffering, fear and trauma have created massive room in the body that can be transformed through gratitude to house more of your essence to create deeper joy and delight in your life.

Change your life by giving gratitude for what you have and watch your life transform into your heart's desire. The river of gratitude transforms all in her path leaving depths of unwavering joy!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Clearing Radiation Toxicity

I am amazed at the level of radiation toxicity that is clearing from my body. For years I have been working at clearing plutonium poisoning out of my body, and now Radical Gratitude is very effectively clearing out a layer that nothing before has been able to touch.

It is exciting to be so free of the old disruptive energies in my brain and particularly in my pineal gland. For more inforamtion on using gratitude for transformation please visit