Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Fresh Start for the New Year

Do you make New Year’s resolutions, set goals, perhaps make a vision board, or focus on your hearts desires at the beginning of a New Year? The question arises, are you creating a fresh start with the same old thoughts, the same brain and the same membranes? Radical Gratitude is the bridge between where you are and the manifestation of your hearts desires. Gratitude is a way to clear the old thought patterns and transform you body/mind.

Your conscious and subconscious thoughts help to create your reality. The only problem is that the subconscious triggers 40 million nerve impulses per second and runs 95% of the time. In contrast, the self-conscious fires 40 nerve impulses per second and runs 5% of the time. So basically your subconscious is running the show. The good news is that the gratitude technologies can transform the limiting, sabotaging, negative subconscious patterns into abundance, joy and delight.

Some of the subconscious programming is held in the cellular membranes in your body. As a tiny child up to the age of about six, your brain functions like a sponge. As a child, your brain was functioning in delta state, a hypnogogic state of unquestioning absorption. In this brain state there is no ability for the brain to differentiate what is taken in, everything registers as the truth. So, if you lived in an abusive household, abuse is registered in your body as the truth. Until you consciously transform this pattern, abuse will show up in some form in your adult life.

By bringing spinning Spheres of Gratitude in to your thought structures, patterns of behavior and membranes, transformation can occur. Spirals of Gratitude spin like a rotor-rooter dissolving the old patterns. Gratitude Spinners, which look like a spinning top, unscrew the old structures and create space for the new. Bring gratitude to the old and watch as it dissolves, this will create new space and clearer thinking. As you use gratitude to envision your New Year’s resolutions and goals, your hearts desires can manifest with greater ease and joy.

Your Brain, a meditation MP3 uses spinning gratitude throughout your brain to bring about transformation.

Blessings for a healthy, joyful and prosperous New Year,
Dr. Cynthia

Friday, December 26, 2008

Send Gratitude to Your Parents and Get On With Your Life!

We all are carrying around our parent’s imprints in our bodies. The good news is that now there is a way to clear the parental imprint and move forward with our own lives. As tiny children we are sponges absorbing the world around us and in particular our parents, either their presence or their absence. All this is absorbed during the theta brain state from the fetus through the first six years of life. The brain function in early childhood has no ability to discriminate the good from the completely unacceptable. Everything that has been absorbed is held as the truth. All this information is stored in the cellular membranes. The cellular membranes then inform the cellular functioning. So how you see the world, how your body functions and how your brain works is influenced by the unconscious programming from early childhood that is held in your cellular membranes. As the membranes are cleared, there is space for your own magnificent self in your own body.

As you thank your parents for their imprint and send more gratitude to the membrane, transformation occurs. Invite your parent’s energy to go back to where it came from, it really is not yours, or who you are. As the energy of your mother and father releases from the cellular membranes, send gratitude to your parents, no matter what they have done or not done, and send gratitude to the membranes.

Next release the residue that is left in the membrane into the light or the black hole at the center of the universe. This reside has held the old and created a space that can now be filled with your unique essence. Invite your essence into this newly cleared space in your membranes. This is a process that will take some time. So, anytime you are acting, thinking, or feeling like your parents, send gratitude and watch as your life transforms. By sending gratitude, this is more than an idle ‘thanks’; this is an active spiraling, high frequency gratitude that actually changes the cellular structures of your body. To learn about how to use gratitude visit The Art of Radical Gratitude.

Until these membranes are cleared you cannot be yourself. You can only see from the inside out and your vision and self-image is reflected out and filtered through your membranes. When the membranes are filled with the dos and don’ts of your parents, societies toxins, trauma, pain and sorrow it is hard to see clearly and impossible to be your true self. The truth of who you are is hiding behind the toxic patterns of your family in your membranes.

Your parent’s did the best they could do at the time. Considering all the unconscious patterns that are passed down in the membranes from generation to generation, it is a miracle that they did as good a job as they did. Your parent’s job was to imprint you to keep you alive. Since you are still alive and reading this, your parents imprint did a fabulous job that is now complete. Your job is to take responsibility to clear your own membranes and let your magnificence shine through. Holding a grudge, blaming, or ignoring your parent’s only keeps you stuck and acting just like them! Gratitude releases their hold on you and sets you free.

For more information on how to use gratitude for transformation, the MP3 meditation visualizations on Mother and Father use the gratitude tools to assist you to change your relationship with your parents.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Abundance Membrane

The membrane of survival is a tight, very constrictive, dark, toxic, rigid structure that only allows in the bare minimum to subsist. Gratitude spirals unscrew the crusted old survival panels that encapsulate the membrane to allow greater space and movement. The new membrane of abundance is complete, well formed, and pulsating in a cadence connected with the heart. The rigid survival membrane dissolves in gratitude as the abundance membrane comes to life rhythmically beating at a higher frequency. Finally, the smoky shadow of survival evaporates into the black hole at the center of the universe as the abundance membrane further activates.

The radiating field emanates a glowing golden ray that extends between the cosmos and the core deep within the body. The membranes on all levels and dimensions pulsate in synergistic harmony connecting the pineal gland, heart, core of the earth and heart of the galactic center. The energies from the cosmos flow in a wave into the body bringing in encoded messages, sacred geometry, colors, tones and frequencies. This oscillation extends down the body into the earth. The energies of the earth undulate up the body mixing in the heart in perfect proportion with the cosmic energies, then continue on to saturate the brain. This two-way flow surges simultaneously through the body bringing greater peace, safety, consciousness and harmony. As greater energies from the cosmos enter the body, a deeper connection with the earth is required for stabilization and balance.

The feet, along with the rest of the body become radiant, with light streaming out each of the toes in all directions. The body calibrates to the increased energies of the earth at the heart as the divine cosmic energy flows in greater profusion throughout the body. As the multi-dimensions of membranes expand and pulsate in harmony with the heartbeat of all life, more ancient rigid structures crumble and dissolve in the high frequency montage propelling and expanding new life and the evolution of consciousness.

The audio mediation visualization MP3 ‘More Abundance’ takes you on a step by step process to release thoughts and thought forms of lack and scarcity with spinning Gratitude.