Unexamined thinking is like living in a garbage dump. All the old thoughts get shoved in the corners of the body. There they start to putrefy, rot and stink creating fear, anger, bitterness, greed, loneliness and despair. Over time internal energetic walls and structures are built to try to section off all this toxic debris.
The internal structures are like boxes that house the negative thoughts, lies, delusions and destructive self-talk. As these walls start to crumble, the thoughts run amuck. During this phase of the transformation process the tiny cubicles are opened and various thoughts waft up from a number of hidden, secret compartments. Creating new thought structures on top of the old ones never really works. At random moments, the body will revert back to the oldest, most deeply buried thought structure.
Clearing out the old thoughts and thought structures with gratitude creates space for your magnificent true self to shine more brilliantly and for more radiant joy in your body.
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