Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster - Process of Transformation Blog #4

Are you riding the emotional roller coaster feeling totally out of control and lost? When the internal energies build up and reach a critical mass they burst through to the next level of wellness and happiness. In other words, you can be feeling great, maybe the best ever and then you feel like crap. It looks like you are having a set back. In reality the next layer of toxins are coming out to be cleaned; then you will feel even better. Rather than seeing this as a setback, it can be seen as birthing into greater wholeness. Instead of two steps forward, one step backward, it is more like your body has the ability to get more refined, to experience greater joy and inner peace.

Different levels or layers get cleared at different times. One process may release emotions and you may feel anger, grief, sadness, and rage all within a short time frame. Sometimes it is the physical stuff that oozes from the body. Other times the thoughts will be attacking you like you just stepped into a hornet’s nest. Still other times the dark night of the soul may descend on you and there is not even the slightest glimmer of light to be found anywhere. These are all a part of the process. Give thanks to it all as it emerges from the deep recesses of your bodymind; when it is done you will experience greater joy than you could ever imagine. Your body is unwinding the past, preparing for a glorious future.

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