We are at such a fascinating juncture in history. The old paradigm is collapsing on a path similar to the dinosaurs, while the new paradigm is emerging. I was recently working with a client, Renee LeBeau, and she came up with the phrase “Playing Like God’ for the old paradigm. The old paradigm is the age of outside authority, where men act like they are god - the doctors, lawyers, politicians and many spiritual leaders who claim to know what is best for you. They have the information and power to make decisions that impact your very existence. This ‘Playing Like God’ is a mechanistic paradigm where authority rests outside one’s Self.
The emerging paradigm sees the divinity within the individual as the source to direct one’s life, rather than the external ‘Playing Like God’ authority. The Western medical model is a prime example of the old paradigm. You go to the doctor and after a few moments the doctor has decided what is wrong with you and hands you a prescription. The prescription is not designed to cure what ails you; it is designed to mask the symptoms well enough so you keep buying more drugs. If the drugs cured you, there would be no repeat, lifetime customer for the drug company. The goal is to keep you alive so you can keep buying meds without curing you. In order to be approved by the FDA, a drug has to be shown that it can kill you if you take too much. If an overdose won’t kill you, the FDA will not approve the substance as a drug. The doctors push the pills and the pharmaceuticals keep the doctors in business. It is a win-win symbiotic relationship between the doctors and the pharmaceuticals. The only person who does not benefit is you. Your symptoms have been masked, and since the underlying cause is never looked at or addressed, this will then lead to further complications. Then the cycle repeats itself with more doctors’ appointments and more drugs. More people die in this country from prescriptions than from any other cause of death. According to the World Health Organization, “The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds.” This is just one of the symptoms of the ‘Playing Like God’ syndrome.
The financial chaos that is coming up is another area of the ‘Playing Like God’ syndrome. The American dollar, Canadian dollar and Mexican peso will soon be combined into a single currency, the Amero, similar to the Euro. The process of shifting currencies will lead to great financial loss for the majority of people and huge financial gain for the elite few.
So, how to cope with this dramatic shifting that is taking place? The choice is clear, you can continue on your same path and become extinct like the dinosaurs, or you can consciously shift to align with your own innate wisdom. One simple way is to start within your own body. Currently most people have both the internal mechanisms of feeling a victim to external authority and a connection to the internal divine. Bring in gratitude to the mechanism inside yourself that gives your power and your authority to an outside source. Inside your body, this outside authority looks like an etheric mechanism. This mechanism holds the thoughts and beliefs that the source outside your body knows more about you than you do. Surround this mechanism with a spinning vortex of gratitude and watch as it transforms. Now bring your attention to your heart. There deep inside your heart resides your divine nature, your inner wisdom, your soul, or source – whatever your word is for that which resides untouched within.
I am advocating that you start within your own body to make the changes, instead of rebelling outwardly and continuing the ancient pattern of war that has plagued our thinking for eons.
Fear and terror run the old paradigm and the ‘Playing Like God’ mechanisms, while love and gratitude run and power the internal divine wisdom that resides within. As you shift your consciousness from giving the outside authority your power to trusting your inner innate wisdom your life will change. As you learn to trust your inner wisdom you will have the necessary tools and information to navigate the upcoming chaos with grace and delight.
The more you can rest in the joy and delight of your inner divine self, the easier the transition will be for you. You will also be of greater service to others when you live from a heart-filled expanded position. Now, more than ever, it is time to live in gratitude and joy.
To learn more about using gratitude for transformation please visit