Sunday, August 10, 2008

Add Your Language to the Gratitude List- new additions

I am compiling a list of 'Gratitude' and
'Thank You' in as many languages as possible.

The goal is to keep spreading gratitude all
around the world!

Please add to the list. Thank you!

  1. Gratitude - Thank You = English
  2. gratitude - merci = French
  3. gratidão - obrigado = Portuguese
  4. gratitud - gracias = Spanish
  5. благодарность - спасибо = Russian
  6. Dankbarkeit - Danke = German
  7. Hakarat-Tova - "Gratitude" =Hebrew
  8. Gratitudine - Grazie = Italian
  9. Tashakor - Merci = Farsi
  10. Kiitollisuus Gratitude in Finnish
  11. Asante - Thank You =Ki Swahili
  12. Shukuru - Grateful = Ki Swahili
  13. japanese: 感謝
  14. chinese: 謝意
  15. dutch: dankbaarheid
  16. greek: ευγνωμοσύνη
  17. korean: 사은
  18. Hawaiian Ho'omaika'i, mahalo
  19. "thank you" in Hindi (Ābhārī hōṅ) (Dhanyavād)

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