The membrane of survival is a tight, very constrictive, dark, toxic, rigid structure that only allows in the bare minimum to subsist. Gratitude spirals unscrew the crusted old survival panels that encapsulate the membrane to allow greater space and movement. The new membrane of abundance is complete, well formed, and pulsating in a cadence connected with the heart. The rigid survival membrane dissolves in gratitude as the abundance membrane comes to life rhythmically beating at a higher frequency. Finally, the smoky shadow of survival evaporates into the black hole at the center of the universe as the abundance membrane further activates.
The radiating field emanates a glowing golden ray that extends between the cosmos and the core deep within the body. The membranes on all levels and dimensions pulsate in synergistic harmony connecting the pineal gland, heart, core of the earth and heart of the galactic center. The energies from the cosmos flow in a wave into the body bringing in encoded messages, sacred geometry, colors, tones and frequencies. This oscillation extends down the body into the earth. The energies of the earth undulate up the body mixing in the heart in perfect proportion with the cosmic energies, then continue on to saturate the brain. This two-way flow surges simultaneously through the body bringing greater peace, safety, consciousness and harmony. As greater energies from the cosmos enter the body, a deeper connection with the earth is required for stabilization and balance.
The feet, along with the rest of the body become radiant, with light streaming out each of the toes in all directions. The body calibrates to the increased energies of the earth at the heart as the divine cosmic energy flows in greater profusion throughout the body. As the multi-dimensions of membranes expand and pulsate in harmony with the heartbeat of all life, more ancient rigid structures crumble and dissolve in the high frequency montage propelling and expanding new life and the evolution of consciousness.
The audio mediation visualization MP3 ‘More Abundance’ takes you on a step by step process to release thoughts and thought forms of lack and scarcity with spinning Gratitude. Switch your internal pattern from lack to abundance, clear family financial patterns erase imprinted codes about scarcity and connect to your true abundance. To download immediately or for more information please visit
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