Monday, October 26, 2009


Do you judge yourself? All the judgments of who you are suppose to be, how much money you’re suppose to have, how your suppose to think and act – all those judgments keep you in the rat race, running in the little cage, trying to catch up with the illusion. The only problem is that since it’s all a made up illusion, you never can catch up. You die of exhaustion feeling like a failure.

In the limited cage of what you think you’re suppose to do, that you can never get right, each of the judgments is similar to a bar on the wire cage. These judgments keep you bound. The expectations vary from situation to situation, so no matter how hard you try, you will never get it completely right, because its all made up. The rules change between social strata, demographics, income, profession, and the list goes on and on.

The truth is your Expanded Self doesn’t conform to the rat race. It is an entirely different world and universe to live in. Your Expanded Self knows what is right and wrong from an expansive viewpoint, rather than from a limited idea. As those judgments get released, you can relax into your true Expanded Self and enjoy this glorious life.

The audio meditation ‘Expanded Self ~Part 1’ takes you through a step-by-step process to explore your masterful creations, reclaim your power and experience your vast abundance.

I invite you to take this opportunity to explore this new depth of transformation in your life.

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