Thursday, October 1, 2009

Explore Your Infinite Vastness

The Truth is that you are a vast, limitless being who chose to come to earth and be in a body. During the process of trying to squish this vastness into a small body you needed to choose some limitations in order to fit into a human form. It is all a grand game and you decided which limitations you would play with. Imagine taking infinite vastness and trying to put all of that in a body – quite a remarkable task. As you accept who you really are, a vast limitless creator, then your life takes on a new dimension. Instead of struggling, feeling unworthy and fake, you can experience and live from a place of our Expanded Self.

The game of this life flips on its end; the rules are totally opposite what they were before. As the creator of your limitations, you can claim back the power you gave to those limitations and use that energy and power to expand your consciousness. All the fears that stop you from living big and being in an Expanded State are the pointers to your freedom. Follow the fear to its core; there you will burst into the Truth of who you are. As you bring Radical Gratitude to those fears and stuck places, you will find the gift of your magnificence.

The audio meditation ‘Expanded Self ~Part 1’ takes you through a step-by-step process to explore your masterful creations, reclaim your power and experience your vast abundance.

I invite you to take this opportunity to explore this new depth of transformation in your life.

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